Dr. Daniel Jackson: Jack, he’s speaking in the Zen codes. Whatever theology he follows may be an original basis for Buddhism on Earth.
Colonel Jack O’Neill: Well that’s very nice. I’ll be sure to call the Dalai Lama when we get home. But for now, how about why we came here.
Daniel [to the Monk]: He’s right, this is very important. Is there a child here?
Monk: There is a child in all of us.
Jack: Oh come on.
Master Bra’tac [to the Monk]: He seeks a real human boy, of flesh and bones.
Monk: Those who seek oneness, find all that they seek.
[Bra’tac nods his understanding while Jack continues to look bewildered.]
Daniel: I think this is gonna take a while.
Jack: Really? What gives you that idea?