Archives for November 2021
Goodbye Bubbles! Hello …
Hero’s Journal Bubbles Fan FICTION
This is a work of fiction. It is entirely a product of my imagination. Well, other than the people. The places are mostly real, too. However, the circumstances are entirely FICTIONAL. And time is an illusion.
Nick woke up giddy with excitement. Today was the day that everyone would know what Bubbles was. But what if no one really liked it? Ryan had been waiting for 2 years for this. Nick was suddenly nervous.
He knew Kyle was up because he could smell the coffee. Nick quickly threw on some clothes and his orange good luck hat and went into the kitchen. “What if they don’t like it?” Nick said to Kyle without saying good morning.
Kyle looked up from his bowl of cereal perplexed. “What?”
“Bubbles. What if they don’t like Bubbles?” Nick said.
“Oh. Right” Kyle said and then frowned. He hadn’t thought of that. They had been so busy getting IstoricCon together he hadn’t really thought of people’s reaction to Bubbles. “They will like it” Kyle said with more confidence than he felt. “I mean we have a huge number of Star Wars fans in the HQ and the Bubbles Raiders seem to really like it.”
“Yeah,” Nick said slightly relieved. They had liked it a lot. Ryan had brought it with him when they met in Detroit. The Raiders had grabbed the box and had really liked it. Nick and Kyle has sworn them to secrecy.
Bert wandered into the kitchen and grabbed a cup of coffee. “We are all set up and ready to go.”
“What if they don’t like it?” Kyle blurted out.
Bert looked confused. “IstoriaCon? I think they people who signed up are going to love it.”
“No. Bubbles.”
“Ohhhhhh,” Bert said and shrugged. “I think everyone is going to like it. I mean how hard was it to get the girls to give it back?” Bert chuckled at the thought and walked out of the kitchen to make sure the tech was ready. IstoriaCon was due to start soon.
“He’s right,” Nick said. “We did have a hard time getting Bubbles back. Especially form LL. I thought we were going to have to tackle her.” Nick chuckled. It would be alright.
Bert appeared at the kitchen door. “Let’s get this party started.”
As the people wandered around the IstoriaCon Nick sighed with relief. Even though there had been some technical issues with muting everyone seemed really excited about the LOI revamp. And everyone seem to enjoy the Gather.Town platform as well. They had worked hard on IstoriaCon. He texted Kyle. “That went well.”
“Yeah,” Kyle texted back.
As the second presentation started Nick and Kyle met in the kitchen. “So far so good. Everyone seems really excited about the LOI revamp,” Nick said.
“They do. Hopefully that means they will like Bubbles.” Kyle said. He was still anxious about Bubbles.
“There’s no sense in worrying about it now,” Nick said trying to reassure himself.
As the time approached to reveal Bubbles both Nick and Kyle got more and more nervous. Ryan texted Nick. “So far so good. What if they don’t like Bubbles?”
Nick knew Ryan would be crushed. This was the journal he’d been waiting to put out. “They will like it,” Nick texted back. “Don’t worry.” Now if he could just convince himself.
Ryan looked at the text. He was worried. This was what he had wanted to do almost from the beginning and it had been pushed back and pushed back.
Kyle texted John. “I’m nervous. What if they don’t like Bubbles?
John texted back. “They will love it. Everything has been going really well and everyone seems to be enjoying themselves. It will be fine.”
Kyle looked at John’s text. Leave it to John to be the calm voice of reason.
All too soon it was time for the Bubbles doors to be opened. Nick, Kyle, Ryan, Bert and John were nervous. This was it.
John unlocked the doors and all the avatars streamed through into the Bubbles area. It was pretty comical to watch. The Hero’s Staff watch nervously as John cued up the video.
Nick watched with anticipation as everyone watched the short video. And it was done. Bubbles had been revealed as Galaxy of Istoria. The Con participants chattered excitedly. “I want one” was heard repeatedly. Nick, Kyle and Ryan sighed with relief.
“Do we want to show them more?” Kyle’s voice cut across the exited chatter.
Nick agreed, “yeah we should” as the Con participants clamored for more. Nick just loved spilling beans with the Hero’s and everyone had the reaction he had hope for.
Ryan joined Nick on stage to show some of his art and the journal that they had held onto for so long. The LOI revamp was a success and the GOI looked like it would be too.
It has been a long day. Nick, Kyle and Bert sat at the kitchen table eating pizza.
“That went well,” Kyle said.
Nick nodded in agreement. “Yeah. I was hoping for more people, but everyone who was at the Con seemed to enjoy themselves.”
“The Bubbles Raiders acting was good,” Bert said. Nick and Kyle chuckled. The Raiders had all acted just as surprised as everyone else.
They continued to eat in silence. After they were done, Kyle stood up and stretched. “I am beat. It was a good day. I’ll see you guys tomorrow.”
“See you tomorrow,” Nick and Bert said together as they watched Kyle head off.
Bert got up and threw the empty pizza box away. “See you later,” he said to Nick.
“Yeah, see you later,” Nick said to Bert. Nick agreed with Kyle: he was fatigued, but happy. Nick sat at the table a little longer running through the Con in his head. He had some ideas for next year. He grabbed his journal and wrote them down. That was enough for today. Nick grabbed the book he was reading and headed off to his room to read and decompress. They had made a lot of people happy. It had been a good day.
And that is what Nick, Kyle, Ryan, Bert and John went through yesterday. Or maybe it was all in my head. Maybe the Bubbles Raiders knew. Maybe we didn’t. I will never tell!